Delhi Family Wins Fresh Air Fund Photo Contest
Delhi residents, the D’Orazios, participated in The Fresh Air Fund’s Friendly Towns Program this past summer and were among the winners of the 2018 Photo Contest! All winners were selected from the hundreds of photos submitted by volunteer host families along the East Coast and Southern Canada. The photos capture the fun-filled experiences our volunteer host families shared with Fresh Air children this past summer. Categories include “Backyard Fun,” “Friendship,” “New Experiences,” “Exploring Nature,” “Swimming,” “The Beach” and “Ice Cream.”
The photo (see above) was selected as a winner in the “Summer Sisters” category, and feature Fresh Air children, Peyton (8) and Ava (8), exploring nature with their host family, the D’Orazios, in Delhi, NY.
The Fresh Air Fund, an independent, not-for-profit agency, has provided free summer experiences to more than 1.8 million New York City children from low-income communities since 1877. To learn more about hosting a Fresh Air child next summer, please contact Joan Hanrahan at 607-785-6822 or visit The Fresh Air Fund at www.freshair.org.