Delaware Sheriffs Announce Annual Employee Awards
Sheriff Craig S. DuMond announced that on Monday, March 22, 2021, the Sheriff’s Office held its annual employee awards ceremony to recognize members of the Sheriff’s Office for their exceptional service to the Office as well as the people of Delaware County.
Awards presented were as follows:
Perfect Attendance Awards:
Nurse Rosemary Balcom, Investigator David Barnes, CO Thad Barnes, CO Cory Bene, Sgt. Shane Biggar, Deputy Jeff Clark, Deputy Logan Flavell, Sgt. Fred Ford, Sgt. Heath Goff, Sgt. Paul Hamilton, Deputy Kyle Karcher, Sr. Investigator Joe Mauro, Deputy Tyler McAteer, CO David McClung, Corporal Dan McGowan, CO David Mondore, Sgt. Robert Pangburn, Deputy Collin Roche, Deputy Cody Tromblee, Deputy Timothy Tryon, Deputy Matthew Vogel.
5-Year Service Award:
CO Amanda Reichert, RN Gloria Hill
10-Year Service Award:
CO Terry Lambrecht, CO Kayla Montminy, Sergeant Donald Simonds
20-Year Service Award:
Corporal Joanne Yager, CO Vincent Scinta, Sergeant Kim Smith
35-Year Service Award:
Lieutenant Karl Vagts
(See Page #2)
Exceptional Service Award:
Sergeant Heath Goff, Deputy Tyler McAteer, Deputy Collin Roche, Sgt. Christopher Erwin, Corporal Eric Alexander, Civil Officer Robert Mantzouratos, Deputy Cody Tromblee, Investigator David Barnes, Deputy Timothy Tryon.
For more on this story including the heroic deeds of the Sheriff Deputy of the Year CLICK HERE