Delaware History Award of Merit Nominations Sought
The Delaware County Historical Association is once more accepting nominations for its annual Awards of Merit. Individuals and groups who have made significant contributions to the preservation and presentation of local history, traditions and culture will be presented with awards at DCHA’s Annual Meeting to be held on Sunday, November 3, 2019.
The accomplishments of nominees should represent an outstanding effort to preserve and promote the history and culture of Delaware County, or to preserve and present the traditional folk arts of the region. Eligible activities include, but are not limited to: preservation of buildings, public programs, volunteer operation of historical societies, publications, or exhibits. Activities conducted as part of a business venture or by a for-profit organization are generally not considered for the award nominations.
To submit a nomination, write a short letter/e-mail detailing the reasons the nominee is deserving of the award. Include your name, address and phone number and the name, address and phone number of the nominee and send it by October 19, 2019 to: Award of Merit Committee, Delaware County Historical Association, 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753. For more information contact (607) 746-3849. E-mail us at dcha@delhi.net On the web at www.dcha-ny.org