Delaware County Sheriff Office Receives High Accreditation
Sheriff Craig S. DuMond has announced that the Sheriff’s Office was honored at the January 6th Delaware County Board of Supervisors meeting by Peter Kehoe, Executive Director of the NYS Sheriff’s Association, for achieving Accreditation of the Civil Division. Accreditation is only awarded after meeting adherence to the best practices and high professional standards of the NYS Sheriff’s Association.
Additionally, Corporal Dan McGowan, Civil Office Supervisor, was awarded a certificate of commendation for his work in leading the accreditation process for the Civil Division as well as Sergeant Kim Smith, accreditation manager for the Law Enforcement Division, for her assistance in this endeavor.
Speaking on the event, Peter Kehoe remarked “I’m proud to deliver the special recognition to Sheriff DuMond and the men and women of his Office for their dedication to the pursuit of excellence in service to the People of Delaware County”.
In conclusion, Sheriff DuMond recognized Corporal McGowan for his tireless effort and work in preparing the civil division for accreditation. “I’m blessed by an awesome team that strives to uphold the honor of the Office of Sheriff” the Sheriff concluded.