Delaware County COVID-19 Update: 5 New Cases; 404 Tested
The Delaware County Public Health Department received five positive lab reports for COVID-19 today.
COVID-19 is in the area, and everyone should limit close contact with individuals outside your household in indoor and outdoor spaces. Since people can spread the virus before they know they are sick, it is important to stay away from others when possible, even if you have no symptoms. Stay at least 6 feet from other people; do not gather in groups; and stay out of crowded places and avoid mass gatherings. We can all work together to flatten the curve.
Positive Results reported to Delaware County: 53
Positive Lab Reports Transferred: 6
Discharged(recovered): 12
Isolating at Home 28
Hospitalized 4
Deceased 3
Mandatory Quarantine 40
Precautionary Quarantine 0
Tested: 404
Negative: 339
Pending: 9
Delaware County Public Health Services in partnership with the New York State Department of Health, local hospitals and healthcare providers is actively investigating these cases and providing guidance on reducing the spread (i.e., quarantine, cleaning and other recommendations) as appropriate.