Dec. 14 is Deadline for Shoeboxes For Seniors Donations
During this holiday season, it's important to remember senior citizens who are alone and lonely in our community, especially during the holidays. Here's how you can help through "Shoeboxes for Seniors".
To participate and help a senior, fill a shoebox sized box with new, unopened items a senior might enjoy and/or need. Wrap the box and drop it off to any of the following locations in Oneonta by December 14: The Southside Mall, The Green Earth Food Market or the Working Kitchen.
Below is a list of gift ideas you could include in your shoebox.
All the boxes will end up at the Green Earth this Saturday, December 14th for the Gift Counting and Collection Reception from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. To find out more about Shoeboxes for Seniors, visit the facebook page.