Cooperstown Board Of Ed Approves New Special-Ed Administrator Position
In the Cooperstown School District, special education programs have jumped to 14%, up from 10 percent a few years ago. According to AllOTSEGO, in response to the increase in need, the Board of Education unanimously approved a new administrative position: “Director of Pupil Services” at last night's Board of Education meeting.
The reasoning behind creating the position according to Superintendent of Schools Bill Crankshaw, is that "with the complexity of the services growing, and the litigious environment with parents suing who are dissatisfied with the level of service – even school districts Cooperstown’s size (currently at 831 in K-12) are creating such jobs.
Board President Tim Hayes said the salary for this new administrative position will become public when the ads are placed for the position.
When the question of how such a high level position would be funded, Crankshaw remarked "since the budget is in place, money will have to be found in existing lines to fund the new position. We’ll have to adjust the budget from lines where we know we have savings."
For more on this story provided in partnership with AllOTSEGO, click here.