Tried my hand at a Mexican dish this week. And a soup, no less. Interesting, and yes...still some shopping hurdles. Who lays out the grocery stores anyways? Take a listen here:
Cody Smith, a senior at Unatego Central School, stopped by this morning to tell me he is heading to Italy for an exciting soccer experience. Take a listen:
Well, for meal number three I went to my Italian background. Veal Parmesan with a little twist and again I encountered a couple of new challenges. It was tasty, but I think I need to try it again later this year. https://foodsogoodmall...
My 2018 New Year resolution is to make a meal (or cook something!) once a week for my wife and me to eat. First week was a challenge. Week 2 presented its own set of hurdles for me. But the result was tasty. Take a listen here:
My 2018 goal is to make one meal a week for my wife and me all year long. If you know me, this is quite a challenge. The first meal is done. Click here to listen what happened:
What a fascinating story to this big hit. By the time the Lettermen got their hands on it, the song was already almost 30 years old. Take a listen to this amazing story...