CADE and SUNY Cobleskill to Host Food Business Workshops
The workshop series is intended to assist agribusinesses with a full range of their business needs--from instruction on developing business plans to secure loans and grants, to polishing up their marketing and branding, to identifying and securing new markets,to developing and piloting new value-added product lines, to supporting farmers--especially dairy farmers--to consider growing new products like grains where there’s a high market demand,'' says Jim Manning, CADE’s lead for running the Incubator.
For nearly 30 years, CADE has been working with entrepreneurs to build stronger, more viable farm businesses. SUNY Cobleskill is one of the leading agricultural colleges in the Northeast and is the home of new farm and food business incubation facilities including
commercial kitchens and licensed dairy and meat processing facilities. The Farm and Food Business Incubator (FFBI) is a partnership between CADE and SUNY Cobleskill launched in 2016 and is a New York State certified business incubator designated by NYSTAR.
Together,CADE and SUNY Cobleskill identify the technological and commercialization needs of regional producers, conduct outreach and education activities, organize interested businesses into cooperative groups, and secure financial support to move projects into production.
Thenumber of entrepreneurs benefiting from Incubator services has been growing year by year, says Schreiner. “Last year we served nearly 400 clients, up from around 200 the year before.
For more information about these FREE workshops CLICK HERE