As the weather warms up, you might find yourself yearning for some outdoor time. While being outside has its health benefits, you must stay vigilant when it comes to nature's threats. Ticks are the nasty little buggers found in highly wooded areas that burrow into your skin and feed off your blood. Ticks are bad enough as they are, but recently, a new type has been discovered in our state.

Erik Karits via Unsplash
Erik Karits via Unsplash

According to the Mayo Clinic, the Asian Longhorned Tick originated in Far East countries overseas but as of 2017, made its way over to our country. It's taken a few years but sadly, the Asian Longhorned Tick has officially made it to New York, among other eastern states.

Check out the graph below, based on information from, for where Asian Long Horned ticks have been found in the US:

Mayo Clinic (Canva/Photo Paint Instant)
Mayo Clinic (Canva/Photo Paint Instant)

Unlike the deer tick which can carry Lyme Disease, this tick fortunately cannot. However, it is still possible that it carries life-threatening illnesses.

The tick can potentially spread germs that cause serious human diseases, such as anaplasmosis, babesiosis, ehrlichiosis and rickettsiosis.

So how can you protect yourself? According to the CDC:

Before you go outside...

  • Avoid wooded, bushy areas; walk in the center of trails.
  • Treat your clothing with 0.5% permethrin, or buy clothing and gear that comes pretreated.
  • Use EPA-certified insect repellant. They even have a search tool to help find the best product for you!

After you come inside...

  • Check your clothes for ticks. If you find one, immediately throw your garments in the dryer on tumble press and high heat (cool/warm climates will not kill ticks).
  • Search your pets and gear. Even if your dog takes anti tick medicine, that tick might hitch a ride on your furry friend and then attach to you!
  • Shower right after you come inside, it has been proven to reduce your risk of tickborne diseases, especially if a tick hasn't attached to you yet.
  • Check your body for ticks. Especially under arms, in/around ears, in belly button, behind knees, in hair, between legs, and around your waist.

For more tips on how to protect and treat yourself from getting bit by a tick, visit the CDC's prevention page.

Eight Natural Tick Repellents Safe For Humans And Pets

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