Bassett Healthcare Network has announced the following flu shot clinics being offered across our listening area.

Bassett Medical Center in Cooperstown:
Cooperstown clinics are being held from 8:20 a.m. to 11:20 a.m. on Oct. 14, Oct. 21, and Oct. 28. Bassett Medical Center’s flu shot clinics are for established Bassett patients only. Appointments are required; please call 607-547-7973 to schedule a time.

Delhi Health Center – Drive-through Clinic:
Delhi Health Center will host a drive-through clinic for established Bassett patients on Thursday, Oct. 15, from noon to 2:30 p.m. Please call 607-746-0550 to schedule an appointment.

O’Connor Hospital in Delhi:
O’Connor Hospital will hold a flu shot clinic that is open to the public on Saturday, Oct. 17, from 8 a.m. to noon. Please call 607-746-0525 to schedule an appointment.

All flu shot clinics are for people age 18 and older. If you have insurance, please bring your insurance card with you. For self-pay, the cost of the vaccination is between $40 and $72. Pneumonia vaccinations will not be available at these clinics. All participants will be required to wear masks and maintain proper social distancing.

People in the following groups are at highest risk for flu complications:

· People with serious long-term health problems (lung disease, heart disease, diabetes, asthma, kidney disease and blood disorders)

· People with immune system weakness (cancer treatment, long-term steroid therapy, HIV/AIDS and other immune diseases)

· People 50 years of age and older