ARC Otsego Announces Joslin Award Winner
October is National Disabilities Employment Awareness Month and to shine the light on this, the New York State Industries for the Disabled, Inc. (NYSID) has the Joslin Awards Program which annually recognizes those who have overcome individual challenges to experience meaningful employment, personal growth, and better choices. The ARC Otsego has announced that Sandra DeMidio, a trainee at Creekside Industries, is being recognized as one of 51 recipients to be named to the 2019 “Class of Outstanding Performers.”
According to ARC Otsego, throughout her long employment at Creekside Industries which she began back in 1994, Sandy has worked on a variety of NYSID products
and is a caring and energetic woman who is always willing to pitch in and help others. She continually demonstrates what it means to be part of a team. Sandy has worked very hard to overcome obstacles in her life, and her work at Creekside Industries is very important to her. It has given her an opportunity to earn a paycheck, learn and practice a variety of jobs, develop lasting friendships, and feel proud of what she does every day.