A Preview of “This Week in Central New York” (June 6)
Join us every Saturday morning at 7:00 on this radio station for our community affairs program "This Week in Central New York." Enjoy three interviews with local people from local organizations telling us about what is going on in our area. If you are a member of a non-profit group or organization and would like to be on this show just email us at cnyproduction@townsquaremedia.com.
On this week's show (June 6):
Leslie Ann talks with Miranda Johnson from the United Way of Delaware and Otsego Counties. Miranda is the United Way Volunteer Coordinator as well as the Director of the Edmeston Food Pantry
Eric talks with Steve Ludner, steering committee member of Oneonta League of Women Voters about upcoming election issues.
Big Chuck wraps up the show with an interview with Tina Winstead. She is the director of the Huntington Memorial Library in Oneonta and tells us about reopening plans at the library.