A Preview of “This Week in Central New York” (July 18)
Join us every Saturday morning at 7:00 for our community affairs show "This Week in Central New York." In this show you will hear interviews with representatives of area groups and organizations. If you (or someone you know) is a member of a non-profit and would like to be on this show, send us an email to cnyproduction@townsquaremedia.com.
On this week's show (July 18)
Leslie Ann interviews folks from the Oneonta YMCA about upcoming events. Director Frank Russo, Danielle Hoyt (Aquatics) and Sue Kurkowski join Leslie Ann to talk about how the Y responded to COVID for our seniors & online community. and that the Wilber Pool did open and a limited youth program is beginning now as they continue to navigate through all the new NYS regulations. The Y in general remains closed since March 14, until NYS provides clear information on gyms and they can then evaluate how to move forward, including. swimming and on-line classes
Stacey Green, Program Coordinator of Friends of Recovery Delaware County Public Health joins Eric for an interview about a new program for the organization called "Recovery Coach and Ethical Consideration Training Program." Eric and Stacey are joined by Kayliegh Riordan, who is the Program Manager of the Delhi Turning Point Center for this interview.
And Big Chuck wraps up this week's show with a visit with Erin Insinga. She is the director of Delaware Valley Humane Society. Erin is promoting their "Ruff and Roll Heavy Metal Recycling Fundraiser." Erin asks that we all pitch in to make this a fun and successful fundraiser for the shelter this summer.
Join us every Saturday morning at 7:00 for this community affairs program.