A Preview of “This Week in Central New York”
Please join us every Saturday morning at 7:00 for our community affairs program "This Week in Central New York." It airs on all of our Townsquare Media radio stations.
On this week's show (Feb. 1):
Leslie Ann talks with Flo Loomis and Jim Maloney about this year's CANO "Chili Bowl" event. It is always on Super Bowl Sunday and is a major fundraiser for CANO.
Big Chuck interviews Bob Brzozowski, executive director of the Greater Oneonta Historical Society. Bob told us about several interesting upcoming programs.
Eric interviews Walton Central School Business Manager Meg Hungerford. She tells us that the Walton Central School District will hold an informational Community Budget Forum to provide preliminary information regarding the 2020-21 budget immediately following the February 4, 2020 Board of Education regular meeting in the Board room located in the O'Neill High School. The regular meeting starts at 6:00 p.m., and it estimated the forum will begin at approximately 7:00 p.m.
Please join us every Saturday morning for this show.