A Preview of “This Week in Central New York”
Join us each and every Saturday morning at 7:00 for our community affairs program "This Week in Central New York."
On this week's show Eric Malanoski interviews Sam Reeder, the regional coordinator for the Salvation Army Kids Summer Camp. He gives us the details of how to sign your child up for this fun adventure.
Leslie Ann talks about the upcoming local preview of the movie "Garrow." She talks with Lori-Kelly Bailey, who is the director/writer/producer, and also with Joel Plue another producer of the film.
Big Chuck visits with Chris Kuhn, the center director at the Oneonta Job Corps. They have scheduled a big blood drive in memory of an Oneonta hero.
Join us this and every Saturday morning for "This Week in Central New York" at 7:00 am on all of our stations.