30 Acre Forest Fire In Upstate NY! What Ignited this Blaze?
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation reports that much of the State is at moderate risk for fire danger. The Capital Region however, down through Westchester County, is at HIGH risk of fire danger, including the Albany Pine Bush.
A lightning strike is believed to have ignited a 30 acre forest fire in the Ulster County region of the Catskills. Helicopters, water buckets and more used by New York State Forest Rangers, State Police, Ulster County Department of Emergency Services and countless staff members have teamed up to attempt to suppress the Napanoch fire.

On Saturday August 27th at approximately 5pm, the first report of a fire in the area of Minnewaska State Park came in to NYS DEC. Forest Rangers and NYSP Aviation were called in to try to pinpoint the location of the blaze.
- Use existing campfire rings
- Build campfires away from overhanging branches, steep slopes, rotten stumps, logs, dry grass, and leaves.
- Clear the area around the ring of leaves, twigs, and other flammable materials
- Never leave a campfire unattended