By: Kelli Whitman

The pressure of planning an unforgettable Valentine’s Day for your significant other increases each day, as the holiday gets closer. Standards are raised from years past, especially if you have been with this special person for multiple years. You may want to do something big, but that may not be in your budget, or you just can’t think of anything. Sometimes a few small, personal gestures throughout the day can be more memorable and special than you thought. Here are a few ideas!

-          Notes
Does your significant other take lunch to work? Maybe this morning you can make him/her a special lunch and sneak in a note about your favorite day together, what you like best about him/her, anything. If he/she doesn’t take lunch to work, you can try sneaking a note on the car windshield! A smile is always the best way to start the day.

-          Flowers and Candy
You may think flowers and candy are so overdone, but they aren’t trust me. I’ve never met a person that doesn’t love getting flowers and candy! It’s the universal sign of saying “I love you” or “you are special to me.”

-          Pictures
Find a picture from a favorite memory and have it framed. On the back, write about the memory and why it is one of your favorites. Put it in a place where both of you will see it every day. Some of the smaller expressions of love can have a long-lasting impact.

-          Dinner
Do both of you go out to dinner every year? Want to outdo yourself this year? If you are talented in the kitchen, whip up his/her favorite meal and have a candle lit dinner waiting for his/her arrival. If cooking isn’t your thing, order take-out from a restaurant and set up a special picnic themed dinner right in the living room.

Any of these small gestures are bound to put a smile on anyone’s face, even if it isn’t Valentine’s Day. Pressure’s on…good luck!