SUNY Oneonta scholar athletes are again this year offering their services to come to your home and rake up your leaves for free!

Geoff Hassard, the coordinator of this annual community service event, would like to see 50 homes signed up this year.  Last year the students raked at 30 homes.  "The kids really enjoy doing this every year," he told me on my show this week.  "Believe it or not it is a lot of fun for them and their only complaint is that they didn't have more homes sign up."

So, if you or someone you know considers raking leaves a pain in the neck, call them at 436-2317 and set up a scheduled visit.  If you are unable to rake leaves, or have an elderly relative or neighbor, this might be perfect for them.  Call now, the deadline is Friday October 18 at 4 p.m. Raking will begin on Monday October 21 and go for a whole week.

Call now...these kids LOVE to rake leaves!  607- 436-2317! (Oneonta area residents only, please)