I have a big lawn.  It's a pain in the .....

The constant mowing, hedging, weeding, seeding, trimming, etc.  As most of my listeners know, I thought "yard work" would be a lot more fun than it turned out to be (for me anyways).

But I have this one corner....

My back yard is big and square and fenced in.  And there is this out of the way corner that has been crying out for something.  What?  I had no clue.

And then it dawned on me.  I have a shattered door (big hole right in the middle of it) way downstairs in the cellar (courtesy of the previous owners).  So I dragged it out and dusted it off.  I went rummaging around in my own pack rat stuff and came up with an old bomb shelter sign.  Hmmmm....I have an idea.

And so here it is!  My first piece of lawn art.  The planter and flowers cost me $11.59.  I had everything else.  And now, way off there in the corner, is at the very least a conversation piece.  I am pretty proud of my efforts.  I only hope some night I don't wake up around the fire in a fog adn try and walk through the door....ouch).

It didn't take too long to make, there was a minimum of cursing and it got rid of (or should I say made use of) an ugly old door that has been in the cellar for decades.

I like it.

I have to run.  Martha Stewart is on the phone for me.....
