This book take a fascinating look at an army of young women (tens of thousands of them) who helped creates the material for the atomic bomb during World War II.

The story tells us of their lives as "Rosie the Riveters" far from their small towns and homes and families.  Their role is the war effort was kept secret.  They had no idea what "the product" was that they were creating.  Even the community that was created to house the massive factories was new.  Oak Ridge, Tennessee was not even on the maps during World War II.  Now that is secret!

The author interviews as many surviving female workers from this factory as possible and their stories are tense, charming, fascinating, illuminating and quite funny (sometimes) as they "made do" in the work force while their men served overseas.

What a great, and unknown story this is.  I give the book 4 meatballs, my highest rating.  Now bring on the movie!